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Narrative-Driven Investing

Instructors Victor Cianni
Ort Live Webinar
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17. October 2023, 19:00 - 19:45 CET

Make Informed Investment Decisions with Victor Cianni

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Meet the Expert

Victor Cianni

Victor Cianni, Alpian’s Chief Investment Officer, brings over 16 years of wealth management experience. He has held key positions within the investment divisions of CA Indosuez, Lombard Odier, and Citi Private Bank.

Victor holds an Engineer’s degree in Bioinformatics and Modeling from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées of Lyon and is a certified FRM. When he's not helping individuals and institutions navigate their financial journey, he enjoys scientific readings and collecting rare books. 

At this webinar, you’ll crack...

  • Why investing is driven by stories: We aren't naturally programmed to invest, but we are wired to respond to stories. These narratives are powerful influencers. Discover how they mold our financial decisions.
  • Going solo, seeking guidance, or delegating? Delve into the various investment paths open to you and grasp the distinct narratives tied to each choice.
  • Beyond narratives: What constitutes a sound investment? Every investment opportunity showcases its potential in unique ways. Learn to sift through the chatter and make informed investment decisions.

And there's even more for you...

  • Recorded webinars available for viewing in the SmartPurse App
  • Support during the webinar in the chat
  • Exclusive access to the entire SmartPurse Money School for a whole month
  • 30% discount on our courses - redeemable within 30 days
  • Free account management for 12 months with Alpian.
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Thank you very much for all the valuable information and tips. It's incredible what I was able to learn. And I'm diligently implementing it - with a good feeling.



1. Who is the webinar for?
For anyone who wants to boost their financial competence.

2. What is the cost of the webinar?
Nothing! But if you'd like to support our work, you can register with Premium.

3. Will the webinar be recorded?
Yes! The recording will be sent to all registered participants and will be available in the app.

4. Can men also participate?
Everyone is welcome!

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