We created the monthly money hour to exchange on topics around money and life in times like these. We welcome women and men of all ages and backgrounds to share their experience and exchange on the topic of money.
This one is especially for entrepreneurs and creatives - be they starting our or somewhat established.
Kathy spills all as she talks about her financial milestones. Together, her and Jude talk about:
One of her most memorable money moments
What her parents taught her about money
The impact of not understanding royalties
I wrote every single word. Every inch of this apartment was an adjective or an adverb.
Kathy Lette
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Smart mit Aktien
Lerne in nur vier Abenden wie du erfolgreich in Aktien investierst und dein Vermögen steigerst.
Jeweils Montag: GRATIS VIP Coaching
Entdecke Strategien, um mehr aus deinem Geld zu machen, eine Community zu finden und finanzielle Unabhängigkeit zu erreichen💸