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Invest your money in the causes your care about & watch it grow

Invest your money in a way that feels good.


Why it's never too late to start investing.

8 tips for saving and investing: How much money do you need to get started? When should you start?


8 mins read.

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3 myths about "investing"

Various research studies show that women are responsible investors and tend to outperform men, e.g. women’s returns outperformed men’s by 1.8% annually.

Financial Alliance for Women 2019: The growing opportunity of women of wealth

Tips: invest in a way that suits your ethics, timeframe & budget.

1. Give it time.

Investing successfully requires time, at minimum 5 years. That's because the longer timeframe allows for the stock markets to grow and recover from a crisis.

2. Diversify.

The success is in the mix of stocks, bonds etc. as they balance each other out. So even if one is down, you still have a couple of winners to keep you on track.

3. Low cost.

Fees matter, s pay attention to the small print! The more you pay for your investments, less gets back into your purse.


4. Sustainability.

By selecting responsible or sustainable investment options where possible, your money does not only have a chance to grow, it also can make a difference in the world. And no, you won't be sacrificing returns!

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