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Energy crisis – you and your finances

Energy crisis – what you can do to reduce your bills

energy crisis

We’re in unprecedented times here in the UK, with energy prices soaring to new highs. There’s not much we can do about increasing costs, but we can take matters into our own hands when it comes to how much energy we consume.

There are of course families and individuals who will, by necessity, have fuel costs that can’t be reduced. Children and adults with long term illnesses and disabilities may need more energy for their homes, not just for heating but also for necessary equipment.

Whatever your circumstances, here are our top tips for saving you money on your energy bills this winter:

1. Set the right temperature in your home

It goes without saying that a warm home in the winter is essential. But often our thermostats are set at too high a temperature. Test it out over the course of a few days by setting the thermostat at 18˚C and increase it one degree at a time, until you get to a temperature that suits all your family. According to Uswitch, a reduction of just one or two degrees can result in a saving of around £80 per year. Check out the Energy Saving Trust’s advice on reducing the temperature in your home.

2. Draft-proof your house

Although air does need to flow in and out of your house to prevent condensation and mould build up, you can do a lot to reduce draughts. Take a closer look at cracks in walls, floors, doors, and windows and fill any gaps where the air is getting in! And don’t forget, you may be able to get some help from the government to improve the insulation in your loft.

3. Turn off the lights

Is your house lit up like a Christmas tree at night? It sounds obvious, but if no one is in a room, it doesn’t need to be lit. Turn the lights off in rooms when there’s no one in them.

4. Be shower-savvy

Having a long soak in the bath or a long hot shower to soothe your aches and pains away is always enjoyable but switching to taking a quick shower every day instead can help save money. The Energy Saving Trust has worked out that swapping baths for a four-minute shower can save you around £100 per year.

5. Wash your clothes less

No, we mean it. Think about it this way: unless you have a particularly dirty job or your clothes pick up stains easily, you don’t need to wash your clothes every time you wear them. You’ll save money on washing as well as wear and tear on both your clothes and washing machine. And talking of washing machines, using the 30˚C setting can save you energy and money. Hang your clothes up to dry as much as the weather allows instead of using a tumble dryer and you’ll reap savings here too.

6. Explore GoCompare's energy cost calculator tool

The increasing costs of energy procurement by providers have resulted in higher expenses for powering our residences and businesses. This is the reason GoCompare has created an interactive energy cost calculator tool. You can utilise the calculator to choose the appliances you wish to compare and specify the duration of their usage to determine their operating costs.

These are easy to start ways that will reduce your energy bill over time, and if you want to explore how you can save more energy go to the government’s website for additional information.

That’s all for now. If you have any questions or suggestions for future blogs, just drop us a line at

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