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The Art of Investing

The Art of Investing: discover unique insights and personal tips from finance thought leaders

Splitting the Bill: Frugality or Fairness?

Split the bill or go your separate ways? It's not just about money, it's about revealing our financial philosophies. Are you a penny-pincher or a believer in shared expenses? Discover where you stand.
Older woman with sunglasses in sunshine

Topping up your pillar 3a early in the year, is it worth it?

What works best: topping up your pillar 3a at the beginning of the year, staggered contributions, or only pay in at the end of the year in December?
Woman doing fitness on mat

How your finances affect your health

It's the little things that make the difference! Learn 5 simple tips for your “money hygiene” that will make a difference to your wellbeing

FIFA World Cup: Buying NFT Paninis - a (failed) experiment

Challenge: can we buy a hyped FIFA World Cup NFT Panini within four hours? The answer is no. Because no one can.

Metaverse - interesting facts and figures

The Metaverse is currently being hyped. Is it a vision of the future, or has it already become a reality? What does it mean for every individual and especially for every woman? We want to take you on our journey into the virtual world - as a user in the first independent financial wellness platform in the metaverse - the SmartPurse Metastudio.
SmartPurse Metastudio

World's first independent financial wellness platform opens in the Metaverse

It's done! The SmartPurse Metastudio - the world's first independent financial wellness platform in the metaverse - is open. We are overjoyed to be able to offer our users a new virtual world. 

The SmartPurse Money Rally 2022

Attended by over 300 women ready to take their financial future into their own hands through various interactive and educational workshops and inspiring talks, the Money Rally was an event that no one involved will soon forget.
Negative Interest Rates - what are they & how will they affect you?

What should 'Negative Interest Rate' mean to you?

With the UK considering Negative Interest Rates, what do you need to know about them? Originally written for a UK-based audience.

Protecting your financial future in times of crisis

Do you know how your money’s protected in an emergency and what you can do now for your future and security? With these 9 points you can avoid uncertainty and prepare yourself.

How to avoid falling into debt & how to snowball your way out

How you can avoid debt and how the snowball principle can help you get debt under control.

Living longer - what does that mean financially?

Modern medicine is an incredible thing. We’re living longer, healthier lives, and celebrating a 100th birthday doesn’t seem as far-fetched as it once was. But while our doctors have allowed us to live longer, our bank accounts don’t know how to keep up.