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Summary, Test & Actions

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Lesson time
2 min.

In this chapter you've learned 📎

  1. How your current life is influencing your finances and that planning ahead will provide with, not only with financial security, but also a greater sense of control and peace of mind.
  2. What documents you might need to protect you: healthcare directive, power of attorney, will, life insurance, income insurance, partnership and marriage agreements, prenups and postnups.

Your to-do list 📝

✔︎ Reflect: what does financial independence mean to you and is anything holding you back?

✔︎ Assess: do you see any financial risks associated with your current financial situation?

✔︎ Action: put a plan in place to develop the documents you might need to protect you in place

✔︎ Schedule: a money date with yourself and get an overview of your situation and collect your documents

What comes next?

🚀💡Congratulations! You're on the brink of completing this chapter. Seal the deal by acing a quick quiz, earn rewards, and get ready for a deep dive into the fascinating world of setting up your financial plan

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