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2 min.

In this chapter you've learned 📎

  1. Money conversations are a huge part of maintaining a positive money mindset.
  2. Talking about money with friends, especially the people you trust the most, can really strengthen your relationship and there are simple conversation starters to help you do exactly that.
  3. Money has been named the leading cause of relationship stress. Often this is the result of a lack of a joint vision, transparency and organization. Approach the conversation without judgement and you will get to know each other better.
  4. If you have children, money conversations are essential to boost their financial literacy and confidence and you as a parent are their first role model.

Your to-do list 📝

✔︎ Have a random money conversation in the next 7 days

✔︎ If you are in a relationship, schedule a money date with your partner to talk about your shared goals and how to set-up your finances so you both feel comfortable

✔︎ If you have children, remember that you are their money role model. Talk to them about money, associating it with something they really enjoy, whether that is showing it’s value by donating to an animal shelter, or learning to count using chocolate

✔︎ Have a look at our money conversation cards which will equip you with example questions for any money conversation

What comes next?

Congratulations, you've finished this chapter!

Hey wait, something is missing, right? Yes, negotiating pay and talking about money with your employer. While we're building an amazing module just for that😉, why don't you head straight to module 2 and get a head start on your financial plan?

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