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Quick personal coaching

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1:1 coaching

1:1 sessions

This is for you if...

Want a second opinion

You received an offer or a proposal and before you sign it you'd like to get a quick check and second opinion?

Looking for a sparring partner

You'd like to change something in your finances and are looking for someone who accompanies you through the initial steps to get started - like a personal trainer.  

Have a specific personal question

Maybe your life situation has changed, or you have a specific question that you'd like to discuss with an independent expert in confidence. 

How does it work?

Available in Switzerland only.

Coaching sessions can be in German or English.

Included: preparation time, up to 60 mins 1:1 coaching session, wrap-up.

Existing SmartPurse clients CHF 160.
Guests: CHF 200.

The  quick coaching sessions are not suitable for a full review of your financial plan or direct investment advice. For these services we happily recommend one of the trusted experts from the SmartPurse community (link to find coach but it did not work for me to find the link).

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