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Jingle Bills: Smart Ways to Sleigh Your Christmas Spending

Jingle Bills: Smart Ways to Sleigh Your Christmas Spending

With all this year's financial twists and turns, securing a joyous Christmas without a debt hangover is the ultimate goal.

And guess what? You're still in time to sleigh a financially savvy festive season!

Get your Bubble Playlist on, twinkly lights activated and get ready for 4 Rules for Mastering a Merry, Money-Smart Christmas and avoid starting the New Year with a frosty financial aftermath.

Rule #1: Unwrap Your Budget

Plan your Christmas spending wisely, aligning it with what you've squirrelled away after essentials. Dive into some research, write lists, shop around allocating specific amounts for each person, and carve out a separate budget for festive feasting. (Use virtual pots in banks like Monzo or the old-school envelope method to help you resist those extra little bits that add up!)

Rule #2: The Guest List, Checked Twice

Hosting this holiday? Wonderful! But be cautious—housefuls can mean budget overruns. Assign a budget per guest or, even better, a task per guest! People love to feel like they are contributing, so asking someone to be in charge of dessert, kids' juices, or even a playlist will help your guests feel more involved and give you more time to enjoy the day without running over budget.

Rule #3: Compulsory Christmas Cashback

Check cashback apps for every purchase—gifts, wine, or that adorable doggy outfit. Unless you're buying from Amazon, most shops offer cashback by using the link from free apps like Topcashback or Quidco - If you start this year, Christmas 2024 could ultimately be free!

Rule #4: No Festive Financing Allowed

Borrowing for Christmas? Not on our watch! Your nearest and dearest wouldn't want to affect your financial situation negatively. Why not ask loved ones to stick to a budget this year? With the cost of living crisis affecting most of the country, they may be relieved with the suggestion and help you all avoid the interest trap.

Cheers to a Debt-Free December!

With a sprinkle of willpower and support from your circle, you'll be jingling into the New Year with a clean slate! 

That's all for now. More questions about finances around the holidays? Drop us a line at, and we will answer you anonymously through our social channels.

Wishing you a season of financial cheer!

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