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Summary, Test & Actions

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2 min.

In this chapter you've learned 📎

  1. Budgeting is the process of creating a plan to spend your money. 
  2. An effective way to set up your budget is to look at your money in 3 'buckets': essentials, treats and your future.
  3. A safety plan is the money you put aside in your saving account for emergencies and the insurance cover you put in place.
  4. What the 15 most important money wasters are.
  5. That you could be leaving money on the table with unclaimed benefits.

Your to-do list 📝

✔︎ Set up a budget either using a budgeting tool, the SmartPurse calculator or even on a sheet of paper.

✔︎ Scan your budget for unwanted money wasters.

✔︎ Hold yourself accountable for regular reviews, e.g. set-up a calendar reminder.

✔︎ Check your insurances and how you are covered in case of an emergency.

✔︎ Put aside or start building your emergency fund.

✔︎ Check if you are claiming all benefits your could be entitled to.

What comes next?

🚀💡Congratulations! You're on the brink of completing this chapter. Take a quick quiz, and get ready for a deep dive into your credit score and managing debt.

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