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Talking money with your friends

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5 min.

In this lesson you will learn 💸

  • How money taboos impact our mindset
  • How you can break the ice to start 'talking money' with your friends

Did you know?

Talking about money seems still to be a taboo subject. In research, many adults say they are more confident talking about sex, religion or politics. But a money talk can have many benefits:

61% say they feel better and more confident after a money talk

Why talking about money is beneficial

✔︎ Helps you to get another perspective on a difficult situation

✔︎ Builds your financial confidence

✔︎ Often brings you new insight to the person you’re talking about

✔︎ Removes the money taboo for future generations 

When was the last time... 🎯

... you had a money conversation with friends?

😊 Well done!

Let’s keep the conversation going in the future too.

🙂 It's time for a money talk!

If you’re not sure when money last came up in conversation, then it’s probably been too long. Why not use some of the conversation prompts below to get started?

😊 Great!

You’ve done it before, which means the ‘getting started’ is already out of the way. Now, it’s time to make these conversations a frequent money habit.

🙂 Why not think about having a money talk again soon?

What changes have you noticed in your money over the last few months? Did you buy something new that you’re still super excited about? Why not share these changes by chatting about them with a friend.

Conversation prompts to talk money with friends

Here are some simple ice breakers for your money chat - give it a go :)

What do you think about... (your money topic)?

When in life were you happiest? What made it a happy time?

What is the best investment you’ve ever made?

Who can help fill in the blanks around money issues and what should I avoid?

Do you believe a (your money topic, e.g. home...) is a good investment?

Who do you trust?

How do you manage your money?

Key takeaways

  1. Money conversations play an immense role in maintaining a positive money mindset. If you’re doing everything to strengthen your finances, but you’re terrified to talk about it to anyone else, you’re limiting yourself and your progress.
  2. Talking about money with friends, especially the people you trust the most, can really strengthen your relationship. This doesn’t have to be sitting down to talk about how much they earn an hour. It could be lighter discussions, such as talking about a situation you’re in and asking what they recommend to do next.

Your action 📝

  • Pick a person of your choice 
  • Have a random money conversation in the next 7 days
  • Reflect on how you feel afterwards

For more inspiration, use the checklist on conversation prompts. 

Download your conversation prompts

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