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Warum 'frau' vor der Geldanlage keine Angst haben muss. (in German)

In unserem 60 Minuten Webinar zeigen wir dir, wie du Schlaueres mit deinem Geld anstellen und dich dabei auch wohlfühlen kannst. ...

How you can support equality with your financial investment

Investments in companies that actively live and promote diversity and equality are increasing. Just a hype, or a good opportunity?...

Why you don't need to be afraid of investing.

Our 15 minute webinar is aimed at encouraging more women to take the plunge – but really, the facts apply to anyone who might be t...

These 6 points help you to harmonise money and values

Is investing money also an affair of the heart? How you can express your values with your money and how to go about it.

Five women explain how your money can make the world a better place

Would you like to try your hand at sustainable investment? Our co-founder Olga asked five female financial professionals some key ...

How do you know when to save and when to invest?

8 tips for saving and investing: How much money do you need to get started? When should you start?

7 tips on investing with robo-advisors

What if investing were as easy as online shopping? Let’s explore how to invest with robo-advisors.

5 secrets to live a secure financial life

Whatever life throws at you - get prepared to have your finances under control. A good financial plan can help you prepare for all...

What women should know about money and investing

It all started when my dad suddenly died, leaving us in a whirlpool of receipts and bills, along with shock and grief. It took my ...

What investment products are there and which one is right for me?

Is one of your goals to start investing? Wondering where to start? Our 20-minute, free webinar will give you a good start on how t...